Google is worth (Nov 6 2024) $2.2 Trillion, so presumably the product that everything they have is built on — Google Ads - is worth $1T. Headline achieved.
I’ve been working for, with, around and against Google for 20+ years. I think I know them.
I have accumulated a feel for how they operate. For example, HR seems to have a “one singular fail and your are gone” policy. I suffered it.
There might be an aspect of disrespect, or not being a team player applied. Regardless, they are harsh.
This might matter: Google are a dominant force in online advertising, and no news service has told this story. I have reached out…
News services, either directly, indirectly or via associated companies, need Google ad revenue (AdSense) big time. I cannot help but feel the lack of publicity around this issue is because of that.
GOOGLE HAS (for all intents and purposes) ENDED SUPPORT for their TRILLION DOLLAR PRODUCT.
Take a moment to consider how insane that is. No major corporation does anything to harm their golden egg. Google has uniquely done this — if an advertiser needs help they, Google, are virtually saying “screw you”. Unless there is some kind of AI master plan we cannot understand, this direction is insane.
Here’s the future plans of Google as I imagine them, and I have a super good understanding of their morals and ways…
- End support for Google Ads. Only possible reason is that cash will be needed, soon
- Automate the heck out of everything, and see if the advertiser buys it
- Ignore advertisers leaving — they are wrong
- Remove humans from all equations ASAP
- Pray that nobody notices
Insanely that is a plan that AI might come up with. Maybe it was in a movie. But that’s the best guess for who is controlling Google: AI
I work support for Google Ads.
I don’t get paid a dime.
Out of the goodness of my heart I help the forlorn, confused, angry advertisers, who aren’t even told (what would be decent) that support had ended.
Mostly I deal with unwritten policies that advertisers were meant to psychically know about before advertising. Try advertising a safari park or apartment complex in India if you don’t own the joint. No published policy, banned. Try having two businesses and opening a Google Ads account for each of them? Banned for life, no policy says not to, no system intervenes (because they know it is you opening two accounts). Try opening a Merchant Center account with a PO Box. You get suspended, and Google won’t tell you why, like they delight in it.
As a trusted helper, when I tell Google people cannot appeal wrongful suspensions because the CAPCHA wheel spins forever, I get ignored. Then I tell them 3x and they say it is a multi-department issue and very complicated.
Google has zero care — I mean that literally — for the advertisers who made them rich. What they do care about is the fanboys and girls (technically losers) who help Google — for free — support the Google users who no longer get any support.
These Google worshippers (plus me) are who support queries get redirected to, without any mention that we are unpaid and do not work for Google.
Us fanboys and girls, the ones who are the most dedicated (serving to inspire the thousands of other unpaid support workers from a company with $100B in cash) get rewarded with a fancy get-together. I am there, now, this time in Gurugram, Delhi. Previously London, Dublin, Singapore…It is called the Product Experts Summit. Google treats me well. Food, drink, tours, 5-star hotel, flights, interactions with high-level tech folk, parties… But all I see is the money they saved and the suckers that helped them. Ending support for a $1 Trillion Dollar product is of course insane, and so is Google